How to Be Intentional and Have Fun Reaching Your Goals

How To Be Intentional About Your Goals
When we set our sights on big goals, it’s not necessarily the goal itself that needs our attention: it’s all of the skills that we’ll inevitably need that we need to focus on. Doing things we’ve never done before will require us to try things we’ve never tried before. It requires us to put ourselves out there which means we could potentially feel embarrassed or rejected.
But working through those feelings is exactly how you attain the skills that you need in order to achieve your goals.
What's a Chosen Challenge?
Life is going to provide you challenges all along the way. Some of those challenges will be forced on you. And hopefully some of those challenges will be chosen by you.
A chosen challenge is something that you chose for your own benefit.
A forced challenge is something that you have no choice but to deal with.
Chosen challenges are things like running a 5k, saving money for an international trip, learning how to woodwork or learning another language.
Forced challenges are things such as your building goes up for sale, your car’s engine dies, you lose a loved one or your property experiences a fire or flood.
The beauty of choosing your own challenges is that chosen challenges strengthen you for the forced challenges.
Real Life Examples
In episode episode #57 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast, Work-Life Balance Coach Anna Javellana explores,
- Her adventures with improv comedy
- How to get more intentional about the steps that you are taking towards your own personal goals
- How to make sure that you intentionally choose to have fun along the way!
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