How To Move Your Employees Through the Competence Ladder

Have Patience With Your Team
It takes time and effort to teach your team new skills.
As a leader, it’s important to be patient with your employees as they learn new skills. Teaching is a process and it often requires trial and error (and lots of gritting your teeth!) before your employees catch on.
It can be frustrating to watch someone struggle through something that is second nature to you (ever witnessed a toddler try to tie their shoe when you're in a rush?).
But, allowing this frustration (both within yourself and within your employee) is the key to slowing down to teach... and teach them well.
Teach Your Employees The Skills They Need
Creating work-life balance will require you to create an amazing team. While you may not have officially signed on to be a "teacher," it is part of your job description.
Join us for episode #45 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast as we unpack how to help your teammates progress through the competence ladder.
In this episode, you will learn...
- The most important mindset shift you need in order to be an effective mentor
- How to help your employees through the challenges of learning new skills
- A simple tool to help you prepare to teach your employees about the emotional challenges they may encounter
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