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So What If You Hate Your Job? personal development property management work life balance

UGGGGH! Another nasty gram just hit your inbox, and you’re already having an awful day! 

Nothing is going as planned. You had an emergency pipe burst in Arden Pointe and have already been yelled at by 3 homeowners in Blue Ridge because the siding vendor left building materials in their...

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How to Uncover Your Thoughts journaling personal development self-care

Why Your Thoughts Matter

I used to daydream about being a coach every day. Honestly, I would think about it all the time. I would think to myself, “Why can’t I just go for it? What's stopping me?” Worse, I would think “What’s wrong with me?” 

The truth is...

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The Importance of Setting Boundaries boundaries productivity self-care stress

Did you know that setting boundaries is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing? This is true with relationships, work, and life. Boundaries are essential for setting your limits and establishing a well-balanced life. 

So, how do you set boundaries to...

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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Goals? behaviors boundaries self-care stress

Are you looking for a promotion, to work less hours or to just feel a little less stressed out? I hate to be the one to say it, but whatever your goal is, the reason you’re not accomplishing it may be because you’re standing in your own way! 

Stress can cause nasty overindulging...

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Are You Feeling Overworked? burnout property management stress work life balance

Do you ever find yourself feeling trapped or completely burned out after work? Do you even consider quitting your job because you don’t know if you can take it anymore? 

I know the feeling because I have been there. Here’s my story. 

I had plans to meet friends on a...

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Taking My Own Advice

I don’t ever claim to be perfect. I do, however, promise to practice what I preach.

Nixing a bad habit is no small feat. That’s why I believe it’s so important to celebrate every small win.

As my clients work to eliminate bad habits (scrolling, overeating, gossiping,...

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How To Help A Ruminator

We all have one: the friend who complains and worries about everything. From dissecting past encounters to forecasting all the possible ways an upcoming event can (and will) go wrong, a ruminator drains your energy. Ruminators obsess and fantasize about minute, seemingly unimportant details until...

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Is Therapy Or A Life Coach Better? personal development

There is a lot of noise out there as to what coaching is and what it isn’t. At first, I thought coaching was a bunch of self-helpers trying to be therapists without putting in the dedicated work of getting licensed. I figured these coaches were wanna-be influencers who had something to...

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The Secret for Work-Life Balance Is Simple: Time Boundaries property management time management work life balance

If you’re constantly responding to people and having your time dictated by others, it can feel like all you do is work.

I recently coached a client who was in a state of overwhelm. She’d finished a site visit and lost her car in the parking ramp. While searching, her phone rang and...

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